1, 產(chǎn)品標準:product standard
GB/T12706-2020 標準規(guī)定等效于 IEC60502(2004)
GB/T12706-2020 standard equivalent to IEC60502(2004)
2, 用途:usage
本產(chǎn)品適用于交流額定電壓 0.6/1.0KV 及以下輸配電路線
This product is suitable for use in rated AC voltage(U0/u) up to and including 0.6/1KV for use in
power distribution lines or fixed installations.
3, 使用特性:property for use
電纜導體的允許長期工作最高溫度 70℃, 短路時導體最高溫度 160℃.
Long-term allowable maximum working temperature of conductor is 70 ℃ , maximum short
circuit(5s maximum duration) temperature of the conductor shall not exceed 160 0C.
電纜敷設時環(huán)境溫度應不低于 0 0C。
The ambient temperature under installation should not below 0 0C.
電纜彎曲半經(jīng)不小于電纜外徑 20 倍。
The bending radius of cable should not be less than 20 times of cable outer diameter.

4, 規(guī)格 Specialization

4, 規(guī)格 Specialization
